Knowledge partitioning is a theoretical construct holding that knowledge is not always integrated and homogeneous but may be separated into independent parcels containing mutually contradictory information. Knowledge partitioning has been observed in research on expertise, categorization, and function learning. This article presents a theory of function learning (the population of linear experts model-POLE) that assumes people partition their knowledge whenever they are presented with a complex task. The authors show that POLE is a general model of function learning that accommodates both benchmark results and recent data on knowledge partitioning. POLE also makes the counterintuitive prediction that a person's distribution of responses to repeated test stimuli should be multimodal. The authors report 3 experiments that support this prediction.The learning of concepts by induction from examples is fundamental to cognition and ". . .basic to all of our intellectual activities" (Estes, 1994, p. 4). Many concepts are categorical: for example, when a paleontologist learns to classify dinosaurs as birdhipped or lizard-hipped, when an infant learns to label furry four-legged animals as cats or dogs, or when a physician learns to categorize a nevus as benign or potentially cancerous. In these cases, responses are limited to a nominal scale, often consisting of binary response options such as "Category A" or "Category B."However, people often also learn function concepts, in which a continuous stimulus variable is associated with a continuous response variable. For example, one may learn how long to water the lawn as a function of the day's temperature, how driving speed affects stopping distance, what his or her blood alcohol level will be depending on the number of cocktails consumed, and so on. Function concepts thus subsume category concepts as the small subset of cases in which the response scale is nominal rather than continuous. Remarkably, cognitive psychology to date has devoted far more empirical and theoretical attention to categorization than to function concepts as a whole.The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we seek to raise the profile of function concepts by presenting a computational theory of function learning that is based on the idea that people simplify a complex learning task by partitioning it into multiple independent modules. The theory, known as POLE-for population of linear experts-is shown to handle most existing data on function learning. Three new experiments explore some of POLE's counterintuitive predictions and provide additional support for the theory. We show that when people are confronted with uncertainty about which of several competing functions applies to a test stimulus, responding alternates between different learned functions rather than relying on a blend of existing knowledge, thus giving rise to multimodal response distributions.The second purpose of this article is to evaluate an overarching framework for learning and knowledge acquisition, known as knowledge part...