Concerning the controlled environment and media technique in these studies, in vitro phytoremediation analyses might provide more precise and reliable findings. Hence, this chapter pursued to estimate the efficacy of the shoot and root organs of big-sage (Lantana camera (L.) Czern.) plantlets in assembling heavy metals (cadmium, cobalt, and lead) via the plant tissue culture technique. Many examinations achieved on the phytoremediation of the Lantana camara seedlings to heavy metals in vivo demonstrated that they were assembled in the shoot organs at a higher concentration compared with the root organs of this plant. Thus, L. camara can be regarded as a higher accumulation potential plant for heavy metals such as lead, chromium, cadmium, nickel, and arsenic, and a favorable plant for phytoremediation. As for the examinations executed on the effect of different levels of the heavy metals cadmium, cobalt, and lead on their assemblage and some growth traits in the shoot and root organs of the L. camera plantlets beneath in vitro culture conditions, they discovered that the assemblage of these metals in the shoot and root organs increased with the increase in the treatment level, except for the heavy metal lead, which assemblage in the roots without the shoots.