Exopolysaccharide (EPS) was produced by Lactobacillus plantarum 301102 on exposure to the mutagenic action of acridine orange and novobiocin. The biological characteristics of this mutant strain 301102S were the same as those of the parent strain, but fermented milk prepared with the mutant strain showed antimutagenic activity on 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido indole. Only EPS-bound cells of strain 301102S showed binding ability to mutagens such as heterocyclic amines, and the mutagens were inactivated by binding to EPS. The binding ability was affected by pH; the greatest percentage binding was noted at pH 8.0. Addition of Mg(2+) and sodium dodecyl sulfate, but not oxgall, inhibited the binding ability. Therefore, the binding mechanism of the EPS may consist of ion-exchange and hydrophobic bonds, and the EPS would bind mutagens in the intestine.