Plasmacytomas induced in BALB/c mice by pristane consistently evidence chromosomal translocations involving the c-myc gene and one of the Ig loci. This observation has lead to the suggestion that c-myc deregulation is a critical event in the generation of such tumors. However, it is not clear whether c-myc translocation is related to pristane treatment or occurs in normal lymphocyte populations nor whether such translocations occur normally, and at similar frequencies, in strains genetically resistant to plasmacytoma development, such as DBA/2. In order to address these questions, a Long Distance PCR assay with single copy sensitivity was employed to assess the frequency of cmyc/IgA translocations in normal and immunized mice of both plasmacytoma resistant and susceptible lineages in the absence of pristane treatment. Our data demonstrate that spontaneous translocations occur in normal DBA/2 and BALB/c mice with no signi®cant di erences in frequency. A 3 ± 5-fold increase in translocation frequency was observed in mice immunized with cholera toxin, a strong stimulator of IgA responses. We conclude that c-myc deregulation by chromosomal translocation is associated with normal physiological processes of B-cell di erentiation and, as such, can not be the determining factor leading to malignancy.