Incorporation of 32Porthophosphate was found in the DNA fraction of aerobically incubated potato discs when examined by methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography. The estimation of DNA content of the discs was by a method developed for starchy tissues and showed that the incorporation of 3p was due to net synthesis of DNA. The DNA content of a disc rapidly increased after a lag period of about 12 hours. The increase continued during the entire test period although at a lower rate during the later period of aging. DNA synthesis was further examined by measuring the rate of incorporation of 3H-thymidine. The striking similarity which was found between changes in the rate of DNA accumulation and in the rate of 'H-thymidine incorporation indicates that the incorporation of 3H-thymidine actually represents the net synthesis of DNA. Although the experiments with microautoradiography revealed that DNA synthesis occurred exclusively in nuclei, no signs of cell division were detected by microscopic observation. DNA synthesis in potato discs was further examined by using inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis and was sensitive to those inhibitors. The significance of the present results is discussed in relation to the role of wounding in the induction of DNA synthesis.It is widely known that slicing plant storage tissues causes rapid changes in metabolism including the induction of various enzyme activities accompanied by RNA and protein synthesis (9,18,21,23,25). The enhancement of RNA synthesis and the role of the newly synthesized RNA have drawn wide attention and have been examined in detail (5,6,8,11,12,16). Furthermore, the enhanced synthesis of ribosomes induced in carrot root and Jerusalem artichoke tuber by slicing and aging has been successfully exploited to investigate the formation of rRNA through the synthesis and selective cleavage of rRNA precursors (17,20).In the course of a study of nucleic acid synthesis in potato discs during aerobic incubation using MAK' column chromatography, we found that 'P-orthophosphate supplied to the aged discs was incorporated not only into RNA fractions but also into the DNA fraction. Although the radioactivity of 32P found in the DNA fraction in the effluent of a MAK column has been occasionally ascribed to 32p incorporated into RNA The discs were placed on double layers of filter paper moistened with 50 ,tg/ml chloramphenicol in a Petri dish and incubated at 25 C in the dark. They were transferred to a freshly prepared Petri dish every 2 days. Addition of chloramphenicol as a bacteriostatic agent had no effect on the DNA synthesis (Table II, experiment I). Freshly cut discs and incubated discs will be called "fresh discs" and "aged discs," respectively.Incorporation of 'P. Fifteen discs, fresh or aged for 12 hr, were incubated for 3 hr at 25 C with 400 ,u of '2P-orthophosphate (carrier-free) in 1 ml of 0.01 M acetate buffer at pH 5.5. After addition of 15 nonlabeled discs nucleic acids were extracted from the discs by a pyrophosphate-phenol method and were...