IntroductionMost synthetic plastics and natural polymers are principally constituted of the elements C, H, N, and O, all of which are primary components of organic molecules. As with smaller organic molecules, these atoms are attached by relatively weak covalent bonds that are susceptible to chemical attack, particularly to oxidative degradation. During their potential lifetime, engineering plastics are exposed to diverse environmental factors which can act alone or in combination to adversely affect the initial material properties. These changes generally occur over several years, but can be accelerated or retarded in the presence of internal and external elements temperature, and temperature variations. Environmental factors that contribute to degradation include mechanical stresses, temperature variations, humidity, sunlight, oxygen, atmospheric pollutants, and microbial enzymes. Depending on the structural level at which material changes occur, it is usual to distinguish between physical, physicochemical, and chemical degradation.Physical degradation, commonly known as physical aging, results from changes in the thermodynamic state of the system (temperature, pressure, molar volume) during the daily use of the material. During processing, chains may be oriented and the sample inhomogeneously cooled, resulting in internal stress. With time, the chains have the opportunity to relax from their nonequilibrium conformations to a state of lower free energy. Partly immiscible blends, for instance, can remain in a homogeneous metastable state for an extended period of time. The presence of stress or heat can accelerate the phase separation process. The resultant changes in orientation, free volume, internal stress, crystalline content, and