Cross-linked ethylene–vinyl acetate (EVA) is used
in technically
demanding applications ranging from solar cell encapsulants exposed
to years of harsh environments to athletic shoes exposed to countless
impact recovery cycles. The thermomechanical properties of this versatile
material represent the combined responses of semicrystalline and elastomeric
components. To fully describe structure–property relations
of cross-linked EVA, it is necessary to explore the combined effects
of vinyl acetate content, molecular weight, and chain topology on
the thermomechanical properties. The interdependent effects of these
factors influence both the amount of crystallinity and the size of
the crystallites within the material. Subsequent cross-linking of
EVA reduces crystallinity relative to the un-cross-linked starting
materials. By controlling the properties of the un-cross-linked starting
materials and the degree of cross-linking, it is possible to tune
the performance properties of the cross-linked EVA. Understanding
these effects enables material selection and property adjustment to
meet the demands of existing and emerging applications.