The paper argues that criticisms of shift-share techniques are insufficiently strong to affect its application to the analysis of regional growth in the United Kingdom . Evidence for the 11 British regions for 1952-75 is used to demonstrate the robustness of the technique in the context of differing levels of sectoral disaggregation and choice of base years and the technique is then extended to incorporate multiplier and linkage effects . Finally its utility is compared with that of analysis of variance techniques for standardising for industrial structure .Shift-share fits the expectation that, when a tech-Criticisms of the technique, or more accurately nique is simple and apparently useful, it will be both of its use in regional growth analyses, are mainly widely used and heavily criticised . The technique based on articles by Thirlwall (1967), Mackay (1968), has been used in regional analysis since before the Buck (1970) and Stillwel (1970) . These are sumlast war, and its application in this field has grown marised and given extra emphasis by Richardson steadily, particularly in the last 10 or 15 years . It is (1978) who states that the `widespread applications surprising that this growth has occurred since almost are inappropriate' and that `the primitive technique everything written directly about shift-share has should be abandoned' . been critical . Recently the criticism has reached Finally, a different line of attack has come from new peaks, and since this coincides with wider than advocates of analysis of variance as an alternative ever usage it is an appropriate time to attempt to technique (Brown, 1972 ;Weeden, 1974) . As a decide whether the criticisms are justified, or method of systematically examining the various alternatively whether the applications should be criticisms we will follow the six-point organisation reduced or even cease altogether. adopted by Richardson, and add to this some The wide use of shift-share in the United Kingdom comments on the relative merits of shift-share and is well documented by the Northern Region analysis of variance . Strategy Team (1974) . Most of the applications However, before proceeding to examine the have been directed towards regions with employ-criticisms it is worth saying something about the ment problems, and good examples of detailed nature and purpose of the technique . The shiftapplications of the technique in the context of share technique has a single specific purpose . It regional problems occur in Randall (1973) and the allows investigators to measure or to make some West Central Scotland Plan (1974) . One major allowance for the degree to which some structural strand of application has been in the work of Moore charateristic accounts for differences between cateand Rhodes who have used the technique in esti-gories of an overall population . The categories are mating the impact of UK regional policy, (e .g. most frequently (but not necessarily) spatial ones, Moore and Rhodes, 1973) . The basic technique regions for instance . The differences a...