The work we present in this paper initiated the formal study of fractional hedonic games, coalition formation games in which the utility of a player is the average value he ascribes to the members of his coalition. Among other settings, this covers situations in which players only distinguish between friends and non-friends and desire to be in a coalition in which the fraction of friends is maximal. Fractional hedonic games thus not only constitute a natural class of succinctly representable coalition formation games, but also provide an interesting framework for network clustering. We propose a number of conditions under which the core of fractional hedonic games is non-empty and provide algorithms for computing a core stable outcome. By contrast, we show that the core may be empty in other cases, and that it is computationally hard in general to decide non-emptiness of the core. the partitions in the strict core, and give a polynomial time algorithm to compute a unique finest partition in the strict core.• We discuss how computing desirable outcomes in fractional hedonic games provides an interesting game-theoretic perspective to community detection [see, e.g., Fortunato, 2010, Newman, 2004 and network clustering. 2
RELATED WORKFractional hedonic games are related to additively separable hedonic games [see, e.g., , Olsen, 2009, Sung and Dimitrov, 2010. In both fractional hedonic games and additively separable hedonic games, each player ascribes a cardinal value to every other player. In additively separable hedonic games, utility in a coalition is derived by adding the values for the other players. By contrast, in fractional hedonic games, utility in a coalition is derived by adding the values for the other players and then dividing the sum by the total number of players in the coalition. Although conceptually, additively separable and fractional hedonic games are similar, their formal properties are quite different. As neither of the two models is obviously superior, this shows how slight modeling decisions may affect the formal analysis. For example, in unweighted and undirected graphs, the grand coalition is trivially core stable for additively separable hedonic games.On the other hand, this is not the case for fractional hedonic games. 3 A fractional hedonic game approach to social networks with only non-negative weights may help detect like-minded and densely connected communities. In comparison, when the network only has non-negative weights for the edges, any reasonable solution for the corresponding additively separable hedonic game returns the grand coalition, which is not informative. The difference between additively separable and fractional hedonic games is reminiscent of some issues in population ethics (see, e.g., Arrhenius et al., 2017), which concerns the evaluation of states of the world with different numbers of individuals alive. Two prominent principles in population ethics are total utilitarianism and average utilitarianism. The former claims that a state of the world is better than another...