We develop a dynamic model of credit markets in which both lending standards and the quality composition of the borrower pool are endogenous. Borrowers can be of high or low quality, and each lender privately decides on its lending standard, modeled as a technology that screens out low types with cost proportional to the probability of detection. Lending standards are dynamic strategic complements: tighter screening worsens the future pool of borrowers, increasing the incentive to screen in the future. The equilibrium is unique, but may exhibit two stable steady states, one with loose lending standards and one with tight lending standards. Thus, even temporary adverse shocks can have amplified and long-lasting effects on the health of credit markets. According to the model's normative predictions, lending standards are inefficiently tight during such episodes, since banks do not internalize the effect of tighter standards on the quality of the borrower pool. We discuss several policies such as government support for lending that can help ameliorate this inefficiency, along with several pitfalls to avoid.