Quantum trapping potentials for ultracold gases change the landscape of classical properties of scattered light and matter. The atoms in a quantum many-body correlated phase of matter change the properties of light and vice versa. The properties of both light and matter can be tuned by design and depend on the interplay between long-range (nonlocal) interactions mediated by an optical cavity and short-range processes of the atoms. Moreover, the quantum properties of light get significantly altered by this interplay, leading the light to have nonclassical features. Further, these nonclassical features can be designed and optimised.
OPEN ACCESS RECEIVED), we find that the matter induces structure to the squeezing parameter. As it has been shown [24] besides from SF, MI the system supports gapped superfluid states, dimer phases, supersolid (SS) and density waves (DW). 6.2. Diagonal coupling, illuminating at lattice sites. Without bond ordering (J 0 B, = j , J J D, D