ABSTRACT:Coupled cluster (CC) calculations with Gaussian geminals rely heavily on extensive optimizations of nonlinear parameters (exponents and positions) defining the geminal basis functions. As the CC method is not a variational theory, it provides no functional for such an optimization. The nonlinear parameters must therefore be supplied by some other theory, giving pair functions that can be expected to be close to those of the CC method. The conventional approach thus far was to use the secondorder many-body perturbation theory with Møller-Plesset partition of the Hamiltonian (MP2) for this purpose and to minimize the corresponding Hylleraas-type functional. We present a new functional, which goes beyond the second order, and can be applied in situations when the Møller-Plesset theory converges slowly. This functional does take a partial account of infinite-order terms in the MP theory, but neglects the interpair coupling in the spirit of the independent electron pair approximation approach. The pair functions minimizing this new functional include the most important infinite-order contributions from the point of view of the MP theory and are much closer to the CC pair functions than the first-order ones. The nonlinear parameters obtained using this infinite-order functional are then better suited for coupled cluster calculations than those obtained using the MP2 functional. The effectiveness of the new functional is demonstrated by performing coupled cluster doubles (CCD) calculations for the Be atom and Li Ϫ ion. The obtained energies are much better than those based on the MP2