Effect of anisotropy on the ground-state magnetic ordering of the spin-one quantum J Heisenberg model for spin-1 particles on an infinite square lattice interacting via nearest-neighbour (J 1 ≡ 1) and next-nearest-neighbour (J 2 > 0) bonds. Both bonds have the same XXZ-type anisotropy in spin space. The effects on the quasiclassical Néel-ordered and collinear stripe-ordered states of varying the anisotropy parameter ∆ is investigated using the coupled cluster method carried out to high orders. By contrast with the spin- XXZ
IntroductionIn a recent paper [1] we have used the coupled cluster method (CCM) [2][3][4] to study the influence of spin anisotropy on the ground-state (gs) magnetic ordering of an anisotropic version (viz., the J . In the present paper we further the investigation of the J particles by particles with s = 1. The main purpose of the previous paper was to examine carefully the role of spin anisotropy in tuning the quantum fluctuations that play such a key role in determiningspin-1 Heisenberg model on the square lattice 2 the quantum phase diagram of the pure (spin-isotropic) J 1 -J 2 model that has become an archetypal model for discussing the subtle interplay between the effects due to quantum fluctuations and frustration, as discussed below. While increasing the spin quantum number s is, of course, expected to reduce the effects of quantum fluctuations, new and unexpected phenomena may also arise. Thus, a well-known example of such new behaviour emerging when s is increased is the appearance of the gapped Haldane phase [5] in s = 1 one-dimensional (1D) chains, which is not present in their s = 1 2 counterparts. The basic (spin-isotropic) J 1 -J 2 model with nearest-neighbour (NN) and nextnearest-neighbour (NNN) antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, of strengths J 1 and J 2 respectively, has been extensively studied both theoretically [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] and experimentally [21][22][23][24]. Many of the earlier studies were motivated, at least in part, by the hope of shedding light on the possible link between antiferromagnetism and the onset of superconductivity at high temperature in the doped cuprate materials whose undoped precursors are seemingly well described by the s = 1 2 version of the J 1 -J 2 model on the square lattice in two dimensions [8,[25][26][27]. The recent discovery of several other quasi-2D materials that are realizations of the J 1 -J 2 model, has only served to extend the theoretical interest in the model. Some of the actual magnetic compounds that can be well described by the s = . The compound VOMoO 4 is interesting because its exchange couplings appear to be more than an order of magnitude larger than those of Li 2 VOSiO 4 , even though the structures of the two compounds are closely related. Similarly, the compound Pb 2 VO(PO 4 ) 2 also has a structure closely related to that of Li 2 VOSiO 4 , but it appears to have a ferromagnetic NN exchange coupling (J 1 < 0) frustrated by an antiferromagnetic NNN exchange coupling (J 2 > 0)...