The valence and spin-state transition is a very specific transition found in some cobalt oxides which involves a coupled modification in the Co valence and the Co 3+ spin state. In the phase diagram of these compounds, one can thus expect a competition of this transition with the ferromagnetism associated with Co 4+ low spin/Co 3+ high spin double exchange. Here, we study the phase diagram of (Pr 1−y Sm y ) 0.7 Ca 3 CoO 3 and Pr 1−x Ca x CoO 3 to shed some light on the competition between these two phenomena. To this end, we combine results obtained with a wide variety of techniques: magnetization, heat capacity, resistivity, neutron diffraction, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The origin of the various transition lines in the phase diagram of (Pr 1−y Sm y ) 0.7 Ca 3 CoO 3 as well as that of the critical value y crit ∼ 0.18 are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the nature of the ground state magnetism which is an issue strongly debated so far in this type of cobaltate.