Let p(z) = ?n?=0 a?z? be a polynomial of degree n, M(p,R) := max|z|=R?0
|p(z)|, and M(p,1) := ||p||. Then according to a well-known result of Ankeny
and Rivlin, we have for R ? 1, M(p,R) ? (Rn+1/2) ||p||. This inequality has
been sharpened among others by Govil, who proved that for R ? 1, M(p,R) ? (Rn+1/2) ||p||-n/2 (||p||2-4|an|2/||p||) {(R-1)||p||/||p||+2|an|- ln (1+
(R-1)||p||/||p||+2|an|)}. In this paper, we sharpen the above inequality of
Govil, which in turn sharpens inequality of Ankeny and Rivlin. We present
our result in terms of the LerchPhi function ?(z,s,a), implemented in
Wolfram's MATHEMATICA as LerchPhi [z,s,a], which can be evaluated to
arbitrary numerical precision, and is suitable for both symbolic and
numerical manipulations. Also, we present an example and by using MATLAB
show that for some polynomials the improvement in bound can be considerably