Consider (independent) ÿrst-passage percolation on the edges of Z 2 . Denote the passage time of the edge e in Z 2 by t(e), and assume that P{t(e) = 0} = 1=2, P{0 ¡t(e)¡C 0 } = 0 for some constant C 0 ¿ 0 and that E[t (e)] ¡ ∞ for some ¿4. Denote by b 0; n the passage time from 0 to the halfplane {(x; y): x = n}, and by T (0; nu) the passage time from 0 to the nearest lattice point to nu, for u a unit vector. We prove that there exist constants 0 ¡C 1 , C 2 ¡∞ and n such that C 1 (log n) 1=2 5 n 5 C 2 (log n) 1=2 and such that −1 n [b 0; n − Eb 0; n ] and ( √ 2 n ) −1 [T (0; nu) − ET (0; nu)] converge in distribution to a standard normal variable (as n → ∞, u ÿxed). A similar result holds for the site version of ÿrst-passage percolation on Z 2 , when the common distribution of the passage times {t(v)} of the vertices satisÿes P{t(v) = 0} = 1 − P{t(v) = C 0 } = p c (Z 2 ; site) := critical probability of site percolation on Z 2 , and E[t (u)] ¡ ∞ for some ¿4. Mathematics Subject Classiÿcation (1991): 60K35, 60F05, 82B43