“…Hypothesis A1, that openness to change values are positively and significantly associated with postgraduate supervision throughput, and Hypothesis A4, which relates to selftranscendence values, are not supported. These results run counter to the naïve expectation, supported by the descriptive statistics, that innovativeness (associated with openness to change values) and supportive caring (associated with self-transcendence values) would dominate in their contributions to postgraduate supervision throughput.Hypothesis A2 is also not supported, in that if innovativeness were to drive postgraduate supervision throughput, then conservation values would be expected to be negatively associated, but they are not significant.The finding that innovative values are not significantly associated with postgraduate supervision throughput seems to reflect a growing stream of literature that has identified a seeming lack of innovativeness in academic work(Callaghan, Callaghan and Jogee 2019) in scientific methodologies(Callaghan 2017;2019), as well the failure of academic research to take up new opportunities offered by novel technologies(Rubin and Callaghan 2019).…”