In assessment the tendency is no longer focused on massive standardized testing with multiple choice questions based on knowledge acquisition. In the new learning approach assessment is integrated in learning and instruction and addresses the complex traits (the abilities, the characteristics in a specific domain) of students. To fit this new approach, new types of assessment are developed, like peer assessment or competence assessment. The development of these new assessments is an expensive and intensive activity. Exchange initiatives enable the re-use of materials that are developed by others. But several questions arise: Must assessments be completely re-used, and if not, what parts of an assessment can be re-used, and is re-use limited to particular item formats?In this article we present a conceptual model (an ´educational model') for assessment, cast in a UML class model, that offers to support both new and traditional assessment types. The model is validated against the theory of Stiggins (1992) according to the development of performance assessments, the four processes framework of Almond, Mislevy (2001, 2003) and the QTI specification. The educational model for assessment gives new input to the alignment of the teaching, learning and assessment.
Assessment model 3Modeling Assessment for Re-use of Traditional and New Types of Assessment.Assessments are at the core of the educational process because they have a direct impact on the learning processes of students. Summative assessments help to establish whether our students have attained the goals set for them. Formative assessments provide prescriptive feedback to assist students in reaching their goals. Where instruction and assessment are considered as separate activities, assessment is often referred to as 'testing ' (Birenbaum, 1996).In this article we define assessment as all the systematic methods that can be used to gather information and evidence about student properties, based on a process, a product or the progress of a student, for the purposes of certification, placement or diagnoses in formative and summative contexts. This definition includes classical tests, examinations and questionnaires, as well as newer types of assessment, such as competence-based assessment, portfolio assessment and peer assessment.These new types of assessment are typically embedded in an educational context, requiring more stipulation of the processes of assessment and relying on higher levels of student involvement in assessment (Sluijsmans, Brand-Gruwel, van Merriënboer & Martens, 2004). The shift to a perspective which is centered on student learning from a perspective which focused on the teacher is the greatest conceptual shift which has occurred in recent times in (higher) education (Boud, 1995). Assessments have a direct effect on students' learning processes. The type of assessment expected by students, influences the way they learn, and thus assessment is like "the tail that wags the curriculum dog" (Hargreaves, 1989). 'New learning' is descri...