Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is a benign, rare disease caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that can be divided into juvenile and adult forms. The course of the disease is variable, but is usually more aggressive in the juvenile form. The standard surgical treatment is represented by CO
laser resection, although photoangiolytic lasers represent a valid alternative. Adjuvant therapies have been proposed for disease control in case of frequent surgical resections or spreading into the lower airways. In recent years, the development of immunotherapy led to the use of bevacizumab either intratumorally or intravenously, but the most promising therapeutic development is represented by HPV vaccination. This paper aims to present a narrative review of the literature and the experience of three different University Centres in the treatment of RRP.
A retrospective analysis of the clinical charts of all patients affected by laryngeal papillomatosis and treated in three different University Centres between 2002 and 2022 was performed. The following parameters were collected: sex, age at first evaluation, sites of larynx involved, HPV type, type of first surgical treatment, presence and number of recurrences, surgical treatment of recurrences, adjuvant therapies, side effects and status at last follow-up.
Seventy-eight patients were available for evaluation. Of these, 88% had adult onset RRP (Ao-RRP) and 12% juvenile onset RRP (Jo-RRP). The glottis was the most frequently involved subsite; all patients were submitted to surgical resection with CO
laser under general anaesthesia. Recurrences appeared in 79% of the patients, the patients who did not recur were all adults. The mean number of recurrences was 9 (range 1-110). Recurrences were more frequent in children (M = 20; range 2-110) than adults (M = 5; range 1-21). Thirty-two (52%) of the 62 patients who recurred were re-treated with CO
laser under general anaesthesia, while office-based treatment with a photoangiolytic laser was preferred in the remaining 30 (48%) patients. Adjuvant treatments were applied in 26 patients. The analysis of the course of the disease showed that in the 9 patients with Jo-RRP, 6 (67%) were free of lesions at the last follow-up, while the other 3 (33%) had papillomas. Of the 69 patients with Ao-RRP, 53 (77%) were alive and free of disease at the last visit, 14 (21%) were alive with disease, 1 (1%) was lost at follow-up and 1 (1%) died for other disease. Severe side effects were not observed except for 2 patients, who developed posterior glottic stenosis.
Our results confirmed the literature review. RRP is a potentially aggressive disease, especially in juvenile onset. Surgical resection is still first-line treatment, but in case of multiple recurrences the use of adjuvant therapies mus...