Exploration of mobile genetic element (MGE) diversity and relatedness is vital to understanding microbial communities, especially the gut microbiome, where the mobilization of antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity genes has important clinical consequences. Current MGE prediction tools are biased toward elements similar to previously-identified MGEs, especially tailed phages of proteobacterial hosts. Further, there is a need for methods to examine relatedness and gene sharing among MGEs. We present VICSIN, a consensus approach for MGE prediction and clustering of predictions to provide classification. Testing of VICSIN on datasets of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacteroides fragilis genomes suggests VICSIN is the optimal approach to predict integrated MGEs from poorly-explored host taxa, because of its increased sensitivity and accuracy. We applied VICSIN to a dataset of gut-associated B acteroidaceae genomes, identifying 816 integrated MGEs falling into 95 clusters, most of which are novel. VICSIN's fast and simple network-building scheme revealed a high degree of gene sharing within and between related MGE clusters. Shared gene functions across MGEs include core mobilization functions and accessory gene content, such as type VI secretion systems and antibiotic resistance genes. The MGEs identified here encode a large portion of unknown gene content, emphasizing the fact that the full diversity of MGEs and the factors they encode remain very poorly understood. Together, this work motivates more exploration of the gut mobilome, which is likely one of the most potent drivers of microbial evolution in the human microbiome.