Aim Febrile neutropenic attacks are an important problem during and after chemotherapy. We retrospectively reviewed the records of patients who were administered chemotherapy treatment to identify the risk factors for febrile neutropenic attacks.
Materials and Methods
Conclusion:Acute leukemia, stem cell transplantation, length of the neutropenic period ≥ 10 days and treatment with G-CSF were the most important risk factors for febrile neutropenic attacks. The result that G-CSF was a risk factor for febrile neutropenia was attributed to the fever-inducing effect of this drug. The use of G-CSF should be questioned in neutropenic patients with fever, especially in those without signs and symptoms of infection. yaş, cinsiyet, kemoterapi rejimi, kök hücre transplantasyonu, nötropeni süresi, arasındaki ilişki logistic regresyon modeli kullanılarak analiz edildi.
Bulgular:Febril nötropenik atak 201(% 77) yatış periyodunda saptandı. Akut lösemi tanısı (OR: 3.36, % 95 CI, p: 0.02), kök hücre nakli (OR:8.77, %95 CI, p:0.001), 95% CI, p: 0.000) ve nötropenik periyodun ≥ 10 gün olması (OR: 4.01, % 95 CI, p: 0.001) febril nötropenik atak için risk faktörü olarak saptandı.