This paper studies the bivariate HEAVY system of volatility regression equations and its various extensions that are directly applicable to the day-today business treasury operations of trading in foreign exchange and commodities, investing in bond and stock markets, hedging out market risk, and capital budgeting. We enrich the HEAVY framework with powers, asymmetries, and long memory that improve its forecasting accuracy significantly. Other findings are as follows. First, hyperbolic memory fits the realized measure better, whereas fractional integration is more suitable for the powered returns. Second, the structural breaks applied to the bivariate system capture the time-varying behavior of the parameters, in particular during and after the global financial crisis of 2007/2008. Keywords Asymmetries • Financial crisis • Forecasting • HEAVY model • High-frequency data • Long memory • Power transformations • Realized variance • Risk management • Structural breaks JEL Classification C22 • C52 • C58 • G01 • G15 B M. Karanasos