Diffusion tensor images (DTI) differ from most medical images in that values at each voxel are not scalars, but 3 × 3 symmetric positive definite matrices called diffusion tensors (DTs). The anatomical characteristics of the tissue at each voxel are reflected by the DT eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In this article we consider the problem of testing whether two groups of DTIs are equal at each voxel in terms of the DT's eigenvalues, eigenvectors, or both. Because eigen-decompositions are highly nonlinear, existing likelihood ratio statistics (LRTs) for testing differences in the set of eigenvalues or the frame of eigenvectors assume an orthogonally invariant covariance structure between the DT entries. While retaining the form of the LRTs, we derive new approximations to their true distributions when the covariance between the DT entries is arbitrary and possibly different between the two groups. The approximate distributions are those of other similar LRT statistics computed at the tangent space to the parameter manifold at the true value of the parameter, but plugging in an estimate for the point of application of the tangent space. The resulting distributions, which are weighted sums of χ 2 s, are further approximated by scaled χ 2 distributions by matching the first two moments. For application to DTI data, a log transformation that converts positive definite matrices into real symmetric matrices is appropriate but not necessary.Voxelwise application of the test statistics leads to a multiple testing problem, which is solved by false discovery rate inference. The above methods are illustrated in a DTI group comparison of boys vs. girls.