Building a reliable water quality prediction model in the catchment is of importance both for understanding the process of these natural systems and providing a basis for water quality management decisions. Due to a rapid change of river flow during a Typhoon season in South Korea, water quality parameters in reservoirs are affected significantly within a short-time period by a rainfall-runoff process. Integrated conceptual hydrological and water quality models seem to be complicated to produce a good model calibration and prediction with reasonable generalizations under these dynamic condition of heavy rainfall events. As an alternative, this paper proposes an evolutionary model induction system based on grammar-based genetic programming (GBGP) to derive the transparent mathematical model for estimating the dynamic change of water quality parameters within a short-time period in an agricultural reservoir affected by the rainfall-runoff process during a typical Typhoon summer period. Results showed that the GBGP system performed to evolve accurate water quality models, expressed in the form of explicit mathematical formulae which could predict the concentration and load of COD, SS, T-N, and T-P during the heavy rainfall event as a function of easily measurable rainfall, cumulative rainfall, and flow rate. The performance of the water quality models evolved by the GBGP was superior to ANN and optimized pollutant rating curve (PRC) model, showing that it has the lowest RMSE value. The transparent nature of water quality models evolved by the GBGP may allow inferences about underlying processes to be made. This work demonstrates that complex dynamic water quality change affected by the rainfall-runoff process in natural catchments can be successfully modelled through the use of GBGP system without costly or time-consuming tasks required in the conceptual modeling approach.