Many users have difficulties making effective security decisions. Education is one way to improve users' mental models of computer security, but a common challenge is that users are not motivated to learn about security. We propose that a visual approach to education can improve comprehension and engagement with security information. This thesis examines whether information graphics form an effective, memorable, and persuasive method of communication to increase computer security understanding and improve user behaviour. Guided by visual-textual strategies developed in education literature, we designed seven pieces of instructional materials that help end-users learn about password guessing attacks and antivirus protection. These include five infographic posters and two online interactive comics. Five one-week user studies with a total of 145 participants show that information graphics led to superior learning outcomes and a better user experience than existing text-alone approaches. Participants showed an increase of comprehension, retention, and improved behaviour after one week. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors. Without their encouragement and guidance this thesis would not have materialized. I would like to thank Sonia Chiasson for her extraordinary dedication to her students. You helped me in my journey to complete a Masters degree in every way possible, and I can't say thank you enough for your tremendous support and help. I would like to thank Robert Biddle for sharing his inspiration, insight, and passion for research. Your wisdom and the advice you gave me kept me on the right track throughout my degree. Many thanks to the members of my committee, Ali Arya, David Mould, and Dwight Deugo, for your time and feedback. I would like to thank my parents for their love and support in pursuing all of my life's passions and interests. Lastly, I would like to thank my husband Matt, who turned out to be an excellent unofficial graduate guidance counsellor. Thank you for believing in me. I cherish your love and continuous support. iii