In this paper, the homotopy analysis method (HAM) is successfully applied to solve the Von Kármán's plate equations in the integral form for a circular plate with the clamped boundary under an arbitrary uniform external pressure. Two HAM-based approaches are proposed. One is for a given external load Q, the other for a given central deflection. Both of them are valid for an arbitrary uniform external pressure by means of choosing a proper value of the so-called convergence-control parameters c 1 and c 2 in the frame of the HAM. Besides, it is found that iteration can greatly accelerate the convergence of solution series. In addition, we prove that the interpolation iterative method [1, 2] is a special case of the HAM-based 1st-order iteration approach for a given external load Q when c 1 = −θ and c 2 = −1, where θ denotes the interpolation parameter of the interpolation iterative method. Therefore, like Zheng and Zhou [3], one can similarly prove that the HAM-based approaches are valid for an arbitrary uniform external pressure, at least in some special cases such as c 1 = −θ and c 2 = −1. Furthermore, it is found that the HAM-based iteration approaches converge much faster than the interpolation iterative method [1,2]. All of these illustrate the validity and potential of the HAM for the famous Von Kármán's plate equations, and show the superiority of the HAM over perturbation methods.