We show that infinite Matrix Product States (MPS) constructed from conformal field theories can describe ground states of one-dimensional critical systems with open boundary conditions. To illustrate this, we consider a simple infinite MPS for a spin-1/2 chain and derive an inhomogeneous open Haldane-Shastry model. For the spin-1/2 open Haldane-Shastry model, we derive an exact expression for the two-point spin correlation function. We also provide an SU(n) generalization of the open Haldane-Shastry model and determine its twisted Yangian generators responsible for the highly degenerate multiplets in the energy spectrum.PACS numbers: 11.25. Hf, 75.10.Pq, 02.30.Ik Introduction.-For a long time, it has been known that the main curse of quantum many-body theory is the exponential growth of the Hilbert space dimension with respect to the number of constituting particles. In the last decades, the study of entanglement has significantly alleviated this curse, at least to some extent, by recognizing the fact that only a tiny corner of the Hilbert space, with small amount of entanglement, is pertinent for the low-energy sector of Hamiltonians with local interactions. This deep insight lies at the heart of tensor network states [1], a family of trial wave functions designed for efficiently representing the physically relevant states in the tiny corner. The best known instance among them is the Matrix Product States (MPS) in one spatial dimension, described in terms of local matrices with finite dimensions. Their entanglement entropies are bounded by the local matrix dimensions, which are nevertheless sufficient for accurately approximating gapped ground states of one-dimensional (1D) local Hamiltonians [2, 3]. This discovery not only provides a transparent theoretical picture for real-space renormalization group methods [4,5], but also leads to a recent complete classification of all possible 1D gapped phases [6][7][8].For 1D critical systems, the low-energy physics is usually described by conformal field theories (CFT). Their ground-state entanglement entropies exhibit unbounded logarithmic growth [9][10][11] with respect to the subsystem size, indicating the deficiency of a usual MPS description. To overcome this difficulty, infinite MPS, whose local matrices are conformal fields living in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, have been introduced in Ref. [12]. The lattice sites for the infinite MPS locate on a unit circle, embedded in a complex plane. This construction shares conceptual similarity to Moore and Read's approach [13] of writing 2D trial fractional quantum Hall states in terms of conformal blocks. For a variety of examples [12,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20], the infinite MPS (as well as their parent Hamiltonians) have been shown to describe critical chains with periodic boundary conditions (PBC) and, furthermore, their critical behaviors are often related to the CFT whose fields are used for constructing the wave functions [21]. In this sense, the infinite MPS introduced in Ref.[12] provide a systema...