We prove the existence of a global solution of the energy-critical focusing wave equation in dimension 5 blowing up in infinite time at any K given points z k of R 5 , where K ≥ 2. The concentration rate of each bubble is asymptotic to c k t −2 as t → ∞, where the c k are positive constants depending on the distances between the blow-up points z k . This result complements previous constructions of blow-up solutions and multi-solitons of the energycritical wave equation in various dimensions N ≥ 3. 7 3 on R 5 .Up to scaling and translation invariance, W is the unique positive solution of (1.4). In particular, u(t, x) = (W (x), 0) is a stationary solution of (1.1) and other explicit solutions of (1.1) are deduced by the sign, scaling, translation and Lorentz invariances of the equation: u(t, x) = ± (W ℓ,λ (x − ℓt − x 0 ), −(ℓ · ∇)W ℓ,λ (x − ℓt − x 0 )) ,