“…Taimanov's result is that, given a kinetic Lagrangian L(q, v) = 1 2 g q (v, v) and an oscillating magnetic 2-form σ on a closed 2-dimensional configuration space, there exists a waist α e at the energy level e, for all e ∈ (0, e 1 (L, σ)) (see also [CMP04] for a different proof). When σ is exact, Abbondandolo, Macarini, Mazzucchelli and Paternain [AMMP14] employed Taimanov's waist α e on any energy level e belonging to a full measure subset of (0, e 1 (L, σ)) in order to construct a sequence of minmax families giving an infinite number of (geometrically distinct) periodic orbits with energy e. Short afterwards, Asselle and Benedetti extended the result to non-exact σ on surfaces of genus at least one [AB15a,AB15b]. The results in [Tai91, Tai92a, Tai92b, AMMP14, AB15a, AB15b] have been further extended by Asselle and Mazzucchelli [AM16] to the general magnetic Tonelli setting.…”