We generalize Breuil-Hellmann-Schraen's local model for the trianguline variety to certain points with non-regular Hodge-Tate weights. With the local models we are able to prove, under the Taylor-Wiles hypothesis, the existence of certain companion points on the global eigenvariety and the appearance of related companion constituents in the completed cohomology for non-regular crystalline Galois representations. The new ingredients in the proof of the global applications are results relating the partial classicality of locally analytic representations (the existence of non-zero locally algebraic vectors in the non-Borel parabolic Emerton's Jacquet modules), the partially de Rham properties of Galois representations (the de Rhamness of graded pieces along the paraboline filtrations of the associated (ϕ, Γ)-modules over the Robba rings) and the relevant properties of cycles on the generalized Steinberg varieties. We prove that partial classicality implies partial de Rhamness in finite slope cases using Ding's partial eigenvarieties.
CONTENTSZHIXIANG WU Appendix A. Families of almost de Rham (ϕ, Γ K )-modules 55 A.1. Preliminary 55 A.2. Almost de Rham representations 57 A.3. A family of almost de Rham (ϕ, Γ K )-modules 60 References 62