Increased plasma pro-inflammatory and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokines have been implicated in physiological and behavioural aspects of mood- and pain-related disorders, including migraine. In this case-control study, we assessed mood scores, cardiorespiratory fitness (VO), and plasma concentrations of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-12p70 interictally in women with episodic migraine with/without aura (ICHD-II), taking no preventive medicine, and in healthy women recruited from São Paulo Hospital and local community, respectively. Thirty-seven participants (mean±SD age=34±10 and BMI=26.5±4.9) were assessed. Groups (Control, n=17; Migraine, n=20) showed no differences in age, BMI, and VO. Migraine patients showed higher tension (p=0.019) and anxiety scores (p=0.046), TNF-α (p<0.01), and IL-12p70 (p=0.01), while IL-6 (p<0.01), IL-8 (p<0.01), and IL-10 (p<0.01) were decreased compared to control group. Multiple linear regression models showed that migraine was positively associated with TNF-α and IL-12p70, and negatively associated with IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10. Anxiety scores were positively associated with IL-12p70, and VO was negatively associated with TNF-α. In conclusion, an exaggeratedly skewed cytokine profile, in particular the TNF-α and 12p70/IL-10 balance may be related to migraine pathomechanisms, and its psychiatric comorbidities and functional capacity. Additional studies are needed to confirm these results.