Background The pathophysiology and mechanisms driving the generation of unintended pain after total disc replacement (TDR) remain unexplored. Ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) wear debris from TDRs is known to induce inflammation, which may result in pain.Questions/purposes The purpose of this study was to determine whether (1) periprosthetic UHMWPE wear debris induces immune responses that lead to the production of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa) and interleukin (IL)-1ß, the vascularization factors, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factorbb (PDGFbb), and the innervation/pain factors, nerve growth factor (NGF) and substance P; (2) the number of
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ®A Publication of The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons® macrophages is associated with the production of the aforementioned factors; (3) the wear debris-induced inflammatory pathogenesis involves an increase in vascularization and associated innervation. Methods Periprosthetic tissues from our collection of 11 patients with contemporary TDRs were evaluated using polarized light microscopy to quantify UHMWPE wear particles. The major reason for revision (mean implantation time of 3 years [range, 1-6 years]) was pain. For control subjects, biopsy samples from four patients with degenerative disc disease with severe pain and autopsy samples from three normal patients with no history of back pain were also investigated. Immunohistochemistry and histology were used to identify secretory factors, macrophages, and blood vessels. Immunostained serial sections were imaged at 9200 magnification and using MATLAB and NIH ImageJ, a threshold was determined for each factor and used to quantify positive staining normalized to tissue sectional area. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare results from different patient groups, whereas the Spearman Rho test was used to determine correlations. Significance was based on p \ 0.05. Results The mean percent area of all six inflammatory, vascularization, and innervation factors was higher in TDR tissues when compared with normal disc tissues. Based on nonparametric data analysis, those factors showing the most significant increase included TNFa (5.17 ± 1.76 versus 0.05 ± 0.03, p = 0.02), VEGF (3.02 ± 1.01 versus 0.02 ± 0.002, p = 0.02), and substance P (4.15 ± 1.01 versus 0.08 ± 0.04, p = 0.02). The mean percent area for IL-1ß (2.41 ± 0.66 versus 0.13 ± 0.13, p = 0.01), VEGF (3.02 ± 1.01 versus 0.34 ± 0.29, p = 0.04), and substance P (4.15 ± 1.01 versus 1.05 ± 0.46, p = 0.01) was also higher in TDR tissues when compared with disc tissues from patients with painful degenerative disc disease. Five of the factors, TNFa, IL-1ß, VEGF, NGF, and substance P, strongly correlated with the number of wear particles, macrophages, and blood vessels. The most notable correlations included TNFa with wear particles (p \ 0.001, q = 0.63), VEGF with macrophages (p = 0.001, q = 0.71), and NGF with blood vessels (p\0.001, q = 0.70). Of particular signif...