We improve the scheme of geometric quantum phase gate (Chen et al. in Phys. Rev. A 74:032328, 2006) by using double-Hamiltonian evolution technique to remove the photon fluctuation in the cavity mode during the gating. We also shows that when the classical laser intensity is fixed, our gating time may be shorter than that in the ideal case due to the introduction of the cavity mode decay, although the dissipation decreases the corresponding fidelity and the success probability of the gate.Keywords Geometric quantum phase gate · Fidelity · Success probability Built-in fault-tolerant quantum gates have been achieved by means of the decoherence-free subspace [1, 2] and the geometric phase [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12], which are different from quantum logic gates [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] by dynamical evolution being very sensitive to the parameter fluctuations in the operation. Geometric phase gates consist of the conventional geometric quantum gates (GQG) [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] and the unconventional ones [12,20,21]. We have noticed some quantum computing schemes based on the ideas of conventional GQGs by using super-conducting nanocircuits [6], NMR [8], semiconductor nanostructure [9], and trapped ions [10,11]. These schemes are not focused on specific consideration about the influence from dissipation on the construction of GQGs. Recently, Pachos and Walther [20,21] addressed specifically quantum computation with trapped 40 Ca + ions in an optical cavity by employing adiabatic transitions and the quantum Zeno effect, considering the ionic spontaneous emission and the cavity decay. Cen and Zanardi [22] proposed double loop scheme to get rid of the negative influence of dissipation in the no-jump trajectory and to realize the geometric quantum computation. Fuentes-Guridi et al.[23] studied systematically non-Abelian adiabatic