There is a lack of formation concerning the influence of sequential applications of similar nitrogen rates on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. ‘Ky 31’) forage production. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the application of 240 kg ha−1 N, in differing annual sequences, on forage production and quality. In general, forage production was highest in plots receiving high (> 120 kg/ha) N rates just prior to the spring (April–May) and/or fall (August and September) periods of growth. Total annual production was highest (9,645 kg ha−1) in plots receiving 240 kg ha−1 N as a single application in March. Plots receiving single N applications in September and November and semiannual N applications in July and January produced in excess of 8,000 kg ha−1 forage. The IVDMD varied only six percentage units for all treatments, was highest in plots promoting highest production during March and October, and was lowest in forage from the check plots (receiving no N). Frequent applications of N increased forage production during June and August when compared to total annual application of N in March. High N rates applied in July allowed for increased vegetation composition of invaders in plot areas and the highest IVDMD.