Evidence for a two component magnetic response in UPt3Yaouanc, A.; de Reotier, P.D.; Gygax, F.N.; Schenck, A.; Amato, A.; Baines, C.; Gubbens, P.C.M.; Kaiser, C.T.; de Visser, A.; Keizer, R.J.; Huxley, A.; Menovsky, A.A.
Published in:Physical Review Letters
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Citation for published version (APA):Yaouanc, A., de Reotier, P. D., Gygax, F. N., Schenck, A., Amato, A., Baines, C., ... Menovsky, A. A. (2000). Evidence for a two component magnetic response in UPt3. Physical Review Letters, 84, 2702-2705. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.2702
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Evidence for a Two Component Magnetic Response in UPt 3A. Yaouanc, 1 P. The magnetic response of the heavy fermion superconductor UPt 3 has been investigated on a microscopic scale by muon Knight shift studies. Two distinct and isotropic Knight shifts have been found for the field in the basal plane. While the volume fractions associated with the two Knight shifts are approximately equal at low and high temperatures, they show a dramatic and opposite temperature dependence around T N . Our results are independent on the precise muon localization site. We conclude that UPt 3 is characterized by a two component magnetic response. The hexagonal heavy fermion superconductor UPt 3 is attracting much interest because it has been established as an unconventional superconductor as seen by the existence of three distinct superconducting phases in the magnetic field-temperature plane [1,2]. In zero field the two superconducting phase transitions occur at ϳ0.475 K and ϳ0.520 K. It is usually thought that this complex phase diagram arises from the lifting of the degeneracy of a multicomponent superconducting order parameter.The most popular candidate for such a symmetrybreaking field is the short range antiferromagnetic order characterized by a Néel temperature of T N Ӎ 6 K and an extremely small ordered magnetic moment [0.02 ͑1͒ m B ͞U-atom in the limit T ! 0 K] oriented along the a ء axis (ϵ b axis). The magnetic order has been observed only by neutron [3] and magnetic x-ray [4] diffractions.Nuclear magnetic resonance [5] and zero-field muon spin relaxation [6] measurements as well as macroscopic studie...