We carry out an analysis of the pentaquark Θ + photoproduction with polarized photon beams. Kinematical and dynamical aspects are examined for the purpose of determining Θ + 's spin and parity. It shows that the polarized photon beam asymmetry in association with certain dynamical properties of the production mechanism would provide further information on its quantum numbers. Facilities at SPring-8, JLab, ELSA, and ESRF will have access to them.PACS numbers: 13.40.-f, 13.75.Jz, 13.88.+e
I. INTRODUCTIONOne of the major successes of the constituent quark model was its description of the established baryons as states consisting of three quarks, i.e., the minimal number of quarks to form a color-singlet "ordinary" baryon. Therefore, a baryon with strangeness S = +1, if it exists, can be regarded as "exotic". The newly-discovered Θ + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] seems to be the first experimental evidence for such a state. In particular, it has a quite low mass (1.54 GeV) and a narrow width < 25 MeV, which certainly brings a strong impact on the conventional picture for the baryon structures.Practically, the absence of the S = +1 baryon in the three-quark picture will not rule out the quark model if an extra quark pair is present, e.g. uudds. The possible existence of such an object has been discussed before in the literature based on QCD phenomenology [6,7].On the other hand, a baryon with S = +1 seems to be a natural output of the SU(3) Skyrme model, where the Θ + is assigned to be a member of an exotic10 multiplet of spin-parity 1/2 + in company with the ordinary 8 and 10 multiplets [8]. Remarkably, the quantitative calculation [9] predicts that the S = +1 member has a mass of 1.53 GeV with a narrow width of about 9 MeV, which is in good agreement with the experimental data. But is the Θ