When energetic ions impinge at grazing incidence onto an atomically flat terrace, they will not sputter. However, when adatom islands ͑containing N atoms͒ are deposited on the surface, they induce sputtering. We investigate this effect for the specific case of 83°-incident 5 keV Ar ions on a Pt ͑111͒ surface by means of molecular-dynamics simulation and experiment. We find that-for constant coverage ⌰-the sputter yield has a maximum at island sizes of N Х 10-20. A detailed picture explaining the decline of the sputter yield toward larger and smaller island sizes is worked out. Our simulation results are compared with dedicated sputtering experiments, in which a coverage of ⌰ = 0.09 of Pt adatoms are deposited onto the Pt ͑111͒ surface and form islands with a broad distribution around a most probable size of N Х 20.