Although peripheral naive cells only secrete IL-2 upon primary stimulation, their presumptive immediate precursors, HSAlow CD4+8- thymocytes, can produce a large amount of the set of lymphokines usually associated with preactivated or memory CD4+ lymphocytes: IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and gamma-IFN. This phenotype can be attributed to true virgin thymocytes and not only to recirculating lymphocytes, because it is found in newborn thymuses and in fetal thymic organ culture. This mature stage of CD4+8- thymocytes is itself preceded by an immature stage (HSAhigh) where only IL-2 and small amounts of gamma-IFN can be elicited by the combination of calcium ionophore and phorbol ester, but not by TCR cross-linking. CD8+4- thymocytes pass through a similar immature HSAhigh stage, where their pattern of lymphokine secretion is not yet differentiated from that of CD4+8- HSA high thymocytes. The subsets acquire their specific profiles at the HSAlow stage. We propose that recent thymic CD4+8- emigrant cells include a significant proportion of Th0 type cells, and that their role is critical to prime the immune system for IL-4 production, as well as to explain the longstanding observations of synergy between helper cell subpopulations in the periphery.