The design and synthesis of at weezer-shaped naphthalenediimide (NDI)-anthracene conjugate (2NDI)a re reported. In the structure of the closed form (p NDI •••p NDI stack) of 2NDI,w hich was elucidated by single-crystal XRD, the existence of CÀH•••Oh ydrogen bondingi nvolving the nearestc arbonyl oxygen atom of an NDI unit was suggested. The tunability of p NDI •••p NDI interactions was studied by means of UV/Vis absorption, fluorescenceand NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling. This revealed that the p NDI •••p NDI interactionsi n2NDI affect the absorption and emission properties depending on the temperature. Furthermore,i np olar solvents, 2NDI preferst he stronger p NDI •••p NDI stack,w hereas the p NDI •••p NDI interaction is diminished in nonpolars olvents. Importantly,t he conformationalv ariations of 2NDI can be reversibly switched by variation in temperature, and this suggests potential application for fluorogenic molecular switches upon temperaturec hanges.