As it is known, all living things constantly exchange food and energy with the environment in order to continue their life activities and participate in the ecological functions they perform in nature, and this situation is ecologically both producers (plants), consumers (animals), and reducers (fungi). and bacteria). Nevertheless, the dependence on the environment of consumers as well as reducers is a more sensitive feature than that of producers, since both of the latter, i.e., fungi and animals, are heterotrophs due to their nutrition, i.e., because they cannot carry out the process of photosynthesis, they depend on organic matter, as well as also, the demand for oxygen is met by another source, primarily plants. Due to the fact that plants play an important role in the provision of food for most living things, their comprehensive study has always been relevant and today it maintains that status in full force. As a result of the analysis of literature data, it is possible to state it in general data below.