A loss in monochromaticity, or equivalently coherence, occurs when a laser beam is propagated through the atmosphere. One factor causing the loss in coherence is the scattering from the randomly moving atmosphere molecules. In this short note, the effect on a communications system's performance of the loss of coherence arising from molecular scattering is studied. The results are given for the propagation, over a horizontal path of length L, of an ideal-monochromatic, collimated laser beam with a radius R with L >> R and with the geometric optics condition (X L) •/2 << R satisfied (where x is the laser wavelength). For the examples studied, it is shown that molecular scattering gives rise to only an inconsequential background noise in the receiver for typical communication systems. In particular, for x = 1 •m and R = 5 cm and 5 m, the background noise is 74 and 54 db down, respectively. It will be necessary, however, for the communications engineer (and the radar engineer as well) to examine his particular case to ensure that the effects of molecular scattering are negligible or, if they are not negligible, that they are accounted for.Consortini et al. [1963, 1964, 1965, 1966] have performed an interesting and important analysis determining the loss of coherence due to molecular scattering when propagating an ideal-monochromatic, collimated laser beam through the atmosphere. (An ideal-monochromatic laser would have zero width for its spectrum.) Their results are used to show that this loss of monochromaticity will have an inconsequential effect on typical laser communication systems involving the propagation of a collimated beam over a horizontal path for which the beam radius R is less than or equal to 50 meters, or even larger for many cases.First, a determination of the magnitude of the received scattered energy is made. It shall be assumed throughout that one is propagating, over a horizontal path through a non-turbulent atmosphere, an idealmonochromatic, collimated laser beam of radius R. Furthermore, it is assumed that the geometric optics condition (x L)•/2 << R is satisfied, where L is the path length and x is the wavelength of the laser signal. These are the same assumptions made by Consortini et al. [1963, 1964, 1965, 1966]; for these •assnmptions, it is possible to write the signal received as er(t) --- -Eo cos 27n, ct q-x(t) cos 27n, ct q-y(t) sin 27n,,•t ...... (1) where E0 is the received signal amplitude in the absence of molecular scattering, vc is the laser frequency, t is time, and x(t) cos 27n,,t and y(t) sin 27r/•,t are the in-phase and out-of-phase compo.nents of the field scattered by the randomly moving molecules. Also, the standard deviations of x(t) and y(t), designated as (r• and (ru, respectively, are given [Consortini et al., 1963[Consortini et al., , 1964[Consortini et al., , 1965[Consortini et al., , 1966 by E0 --E0 --2 3.1 No/ for L >> R (2) where k is signal wavenumber (=2•/X), n is index of refraction of the 'atmosphere, No is number of molecules per cm 3, and R and x are in ce...