Blunted muscle hypertrophy and impaired regeneration with aging have been partly attributed to satellite cell (SC) dysfunction. However, true muscle regeneration has not yet been studied in elderly individuals. To investigate this, muscle injury was induced by 200 electrically stimulated (ES) eccentric contractions of the vastus lateralis (VL) of one leg in seven young (20-31 years) and 19 elderly men (60-73 years).This was followed by 13 weeks of resistance training (RT) for both legs to investigate the capacity for hypertrophy. Muscle biopsies were collected Pre-and Post-RT, and 9 days after ES, for immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Hypertrophy was assessed by MRI, DEXA, and immunohistochemistry. Overall, surprisingly comparable responses were observed between the young and elderly. Nine days after ES, Pax7+ SC number had doubled (P < .05), alongside necrosis and substantial changes in expression of genes related to matrix, myogenesis, and innervation (P < .05). Post-RT, VL cross-sectional area had increased in both legs (~15%, P < .05) and SCs/type II fiber had increased ~2-4 times more with ES+RT vs RT alone (P < .001). Together these novel findings demonstrate "youthful" regeneration and hypertrophy responses in human elderly muscle. Furthermore, boosting SC availability in healthy elderly men does not enhance the subsequent muscle hypertrophy response to RT. K E Y W O R D S heavy resistance training, human, myofiber necrosis, myogenic progenitor cells, in vivo myogenesis, Sarcopenia | 6419 KARLSEN Et AL. F I G U R E 1 Study design. Overview of the study design indicating the timing of muscle biopsies, blood sampling, electrical stimulation (ES), measures of muscle soreness, maximal muscle strength (MVC), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and resistance training (RT) during the Pre-and Post-test. One leg (ES+RT leg) completed 200 electrically stimulated eccentric contractions (ES) followed by 13 weeks resistance training (RT), the other leg performed RT only. A biopsy was collected in both legs at Pre and Post, and an additional biopsy was collected in the ES+RT leg at Day 9 after ES | 6421 KARLSEN Et AL.