Plasma-wall interaction was studied in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during its dedicated helium campaign. Relatively clean plasmas with a He content of >80% could be obtained by applying ICWC discharges upon changeover from D to He. Surface analyses of W samples, however, indicated co-deposited layers with significant amounts of He and D being locally formed albeit globally D was released from the plasma-facing components. When exposing W samples to ELMy H-mode helium plasmas in the outer strike-point region of the divertor, no net erosion was observed but the surfaces had been covered with co-deposited layers. The layers were the thickest in the private flux region and extended throughout the OSP region in the case of rough and modified surfaces. Also, no clear signs of nanostructure growth or destruction could be seen The growth of such layers may impact the operation of future fusion reactors. Retention of He, for its part, remained small and uniform throughout the strike-point region.