The passivation quality at the interface between liquid-phase crystallized silicon (LPC-Si) and a dielectric interlayer (IL) was investigated in terms of the defect state density at the IL/LPC-Si interface (D it ) as well as the effective fixed charge density in the IL (Q IL,eff ). Both parameters were obtained via high-frequency capacitance-voltage measurements on developed metal-insulator-semiconductor structures based on a molybdenum layer sandwiched between the IL and the glass substrate. D it and Q IL,eff were correlated to the open circuit voltage (V oc ) and the integrated external quantum efficiency (J sc,EQE ) obtained on corresponding solar cell structures as well as to V oc and J sc,EQE results based on two-dimensional simulations. We found that D it was reduced by one order of magnitude using a hydrogen plasma treatment (HPT) at 400°C. Irrespectively of the HPT, Q IL,eff was > 10 12 cm À2 . We suggest that field-effect passivation dominates chemical passivation at the IL/n-type LPC-Si interface. We attribute the significant enhancement of V oc and J sc,EQE observed after HPT on n-type LPC-Si solar cells mainly to improvements of the passivation quality in the n-type LPC-Si bulk rather than at the IL/n-type LPC-Si interface. For p-type absorbers, the HPT did not improve V oc and J sc,EQE significantly. We propose that this is because of an insufficient passivation of bulk defects by positively charged hydrogen, which dominates in p-type silicon, in combination with an insufficient interface passivation.