The possibility of improving the quality of rubber due to the directional action of various types of ultrasonic vibrations, with the aim of forming the maximum compressive residual stresses, will ultimately improve the performance of the rize joint under variable loads.
The process of rizenization using forced ultrasonic vibrations has been investigated. When compiling a mathematical model of the process of extrusion of rubber with the imposition of ultrasonic vibrations on the tool, it was assumed that the phenomenon of surface hardening has little effect on the magnitude of the contact pressure and the friction force during plastic deformation. This assumption allows us to simplify the mathematical model by not taking into account this factor.
New methods of calculating the contact pressure and specific frictional force during rubber extrusion with the imposition of axial, radial and torsional vibrations are proposed.
The description of the deformation processes with the superposition of ultrasonic vibrations was carried out on the basis of the rheological model of deformation of an ideal elastic-plastic body. The work developed nonlinear mathematical models for the study of plastic deformation processes, consisting of equations of tool displacement and equations taking into account the elastic-plate properties of the processed material. This structure of the mathematical model most fully reflects the processes occurring during thread rolling with the imposition of ultrasonic vibrations.
As a result of the research, it has been established that the use of forced ultrasonic vibrations during machining with a tool will significantly increase the productivity, tool durability and quality of the processed surface, especially when processing with special physical and mechanical properties.
In the study of the contact interaction of the tool with the part with the imposition of ultrasonic vibrations in the axial and radial directions, as well as in the imposition of torsional vibrations, it was found that the use of axial vibrations is on average 50 % more effective.