The electrochenucal behavlour of Cu m different phosphate buffers IS studied through electrochemical techmques combmed wth scanning electron mwroscopy and energy dlsperslve X-ray analysis At pH 6 0 and 8 0 the onset of passwahon IS due to the anodlc formation of a basic Cu(II) phosphate, whereas at pH 11 5 the paswatmg layer corresponds to a duplex Cu(I) ox~e-Cu(II) ox& layer The potentiostatic ano&c current transients can be reproduced by a model mvolvmg the mlhal growth of a thm anodtc layer and the simultaneous electrodlssoluhon of Cu The electrodlssolutmn of pawvated Cu takes place through the paswatmg layer Thus reaction contnbutes to the thazkemng of the outer part of the pasavatmg layer