“…In our particular case, these are The matrix T allows us to transform the cmf's of our three observers-JAM, MM, CT-and the rest of the classical observers considered: CIE-1931 Standard Observer, the Standard Deviated Observer, the observer proposed by Vos, and the 10 Stiles-Burch observers for small fields-from the RGB CIE-1931 system of primaries to the new system of unreal primaries XЈYЈZЈ, in which the values of the new cmf's of all the observers are positive in the wavelength interval 400 -700 nm of the visible spectrum. 12 Recently, in our laboratory, we have measured 13,14 new cmf's for 6 real observers (AY, JR, MR, JL, JA, FP) for small fields. For this, we used an experimental device and a procedure different from that followed in the present work.…”