Středa T., Vahala O., Středová H. (2012): Prediction of adult western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) emergence. Plant Protect. Sci., 49: 89-97.The sum of effective temperatures (SET) of adult western corn rootworm (WCR) occurrence was determined based on several criteria. The risk of WCR occurrence was mapped, and the areas of continuous reproduction of WCR in the Czech Republic were identified. The daily soil SET was observed until the initial adult WCR occurrence, and it ranged from 414 degree days (DD) when the lower threshold temperature (LTT) was 12.5°C at 0.02 m depth to 719 DD (LTT of 10°C at a depth of 0.05 m). The daily air SET ranged from 415 DD (LTT 12.5°C at a height of 2 m) to 726 DD (LTT of 10°C at a height of 0.05 m).