Connector terminals, like all vehicle components, are subject to damage. They cause a break in the electricalcircuit and vehicle failure. The most common causes of failure are corrosion and mechanical damage resultingfrom vehicle vibration. Corrosion can occur when the vehicle is flooded, through carelessness in servicingand when driving on wet roadways. The source of vibration is most often stimuli from the road surface onwhich the vehicle is travelling. These vibrations cause the connector terminals to make small movements thatcan lead to fretting. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to evaluate the influence of corrosionfactors on friction and wear of protective coatings of connector lugs. The subjects of the study were two typesof mesh connectors, made of copper alloys coated with metallic coatings. The test specimens were subjectedto varying corrosion conditions, simulating the effects of wet pavement with road salt and pavement coveredwith dirt from vehicle operation.