ZrMoN films were deposited on a 304 stainless-steel (SS304) substrate with a radio-frequency (RF) reactive magnetron-sputtering system and the properties were changed by adjusting the power of the Mo target. The corrosion behaviors of the ZrMoN films were investigated with potentiodynamic tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) under the condition of an aerated 0.5M H2SO4 + 1,99 mg/L NaF solution at 70°C. The results revealed that all samples with ZrMoN films have good hydrophobicity. The XRD test showed that the ZrMoN film is the substitutional solid solution of Mo atoms into ZrN films. As an overall evaluation, the power of the Mo target is 30W. A coated sample displays the best corrosion resistance in the cathode of the PEMFC environment when the power of the Mo target is considered, which indicates that with an increase of the power of the Mo target, the solid solubility also increases; but with a continuous increase of the Mo-target power, the solubility increases and a lattice distortion also occurs, leading to an increase in defects. Keywords: ZrMoN, corrosion behavior, bipolar-plate material, physical-vapor-deposition technology (PVD) ZrMoN prevleke so bile nane{ene na substrat 304 nerjavnega jekla (SS 304) z radiofrekven~nim reaktivnim (angl. RF) magnetronskim napr{evalnikom in lastnosti so bile spremenjene s prilagoditvijo mo~i Mo tar~e. Korozijsko obna{anje prevlek ZrMoN smo raziskovali s potenciodinamskimi preizkusi in elektrokemijsko impedan~no spektroskopijo (EIS) v raztopini 0,5 M H2SO4 + 1,99 mg/L NaF pri temperaturi 70°C. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo vsi vzorci z ZrMoN prevlekami dobro hidrofobnost. XRD-analiza ka`e, da je prevleka ZrMoN nadomestna trdna raztopina atomov Mo v ZrN plasti. Rezultati ka`ejo najbolj{o korozijsko odpornost na katodi v okolju PEMFC pri mo~i Mo tar~e 30 W, kar ka`e, da se s pove~anjem mo~i Mo pove~uje tudi trdna topnost. Vendar pa se s kontinuiranim pove~evanjem mo~i Mo tar~e neprestano pove~uje tudi topnost, zato pride do popa~enja kristalne mre`e, kar povzro~i pove~anje napak. Klju~ne besede: ZrMoN, korozijsko obna{anje, bipolarni material, tehnologija nana{anja iz parne faze (PVD)